Dr. Lisette Sanchez

Virtual Leadership Coaching

People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.

— John C. Maxwell—

Are you a founder, creator, and/or entrepreneur who is interested in becoming a more effective leader?

Leadership coaching with Dr. Lisette Sanchez focuses on just that. She will support you in elevating your leader skillset and refining your vision for success for yourself and your organization. As your coach, Dr. Lisette’s role is to not only support you but also challenge you to become the best leader you can be.

Coaching sessions are confidential and tailored to meet your specific needs.

Here are some examples of common goals in Leadership Coaching:

  • Gaining clarity about your leadership and management style, strengths and growth areas

  • Managing and overcoming any self-doubt or impostor phenomenon (commonly known as impostor syndrome)

  • Enhancing your self-confidence

  • Navigating a new leadership role or promotion (i.e. taking the next step from founder to CEO)

  • Improving your communication skills with investors, employees, and clients/customers